Your Family's
Dedicated Staff Member


Jessica Fahey

Adult Services Coordinator
Ages 40+

Late Adulthood

Welcome! Down Syndrome Innovations offers services and support for older adults that focus on maximizing independence; integrating in the community; employment; improving health and wellness, and social skills. We are on this journey with you now, and throughout the lifespan. Consider us your lifetime partner on this journey.

Our Unique Approach

Our Lifespan Services Team created our Lifespan Services Framework, which is the core of how we approach our mission and our work.

This Framework is a person-centered framework where the entire course of our services and supports—across their lifespan—revolves around the story, preferences, strengths, uniqueness, needs and available support system of each individual we serve. It is a dynamic framework evolving across any age or lifespan stage. When applying this framework, our Team ensures that we are addressing 7 key skills geared towards advancing the individual within their home and community life: Communication, Social-Emotional Skills, Daily Living, Vocational Development, Community Engagement, Health and Wellness, and Safety.

Get Connected

Have you filled out our contact form?

We encourage you to fill out our contact form so a member of our team can follow up with you and recommend relevant services and supports, and we can add you to our mailing list.

It is especially critical that we have the birth date of your loved one with Down syndrome. Birth dates are very important as they guide us in which services and supports to recommend to families at each stage of adulthood. 

We will follow up with you promptly after we receive your contact form, but you are welcome to message us directly as well, as we want to be responsive to your needs.

Your Personalized Newsletter

2024 Newsletters

Wherever you are on your journey, our expert Lifespan Services Team is with you continually finding new ways to offer innovative services for every age and season of life. 

18 and older newsletter

Services & Support

Down Syndrome Innovations offers adult services and supports that focus on maximizing independence; integrating into the community; preparing for employment; increasing health and wellness; and learning essential social skills.

Complimentary Consultations (virtual or in-person)

We can schedule time with you to get to know the needs of your adult loved one and all of the caregivers involved in his or her life. We will discuss services and supports relevant to this stage of the journey. We want to make the process of engaging with our organization as easy as possible for your family. If you are not sure what you need or how we can help, signing up for a consultation is the best step forward. There is something we can do at every step of the journey to support your family.

Skill-Building Series & Social Programming for Adults

Every quarter, we offer weekly, complimentary/free programming for older adults to learn essential skills, while also gaining important social skills by interacting among their peers. Our programming is a great way to make new friends, gain independence, enjoy movement and physical activity, and best of all, have fun! Each quarter, we have a different theme, such as preparing for employment, kitchen skills, living a healthy lifestyle, and more!

Each quarter’s sessions then culminate with a celebratory event for adults to gather and have fun! 

Our services and supports are rooted in our organization’s Six Pillars:

  1. Daily Living
  2. Community Engagement
  3. Communication and Social Skills
  4. Health, Wellness and Safety
  5. Self-Advocacy
  6. Vocational Development
Virtual Options!

We understand that there can be barriers to attending in-person services, which is why we also offer virtual options for adults with Down syndrome! Each quarter, we host Virtual Social Groups that focus on providing a structured environment for adults to socialize, learn, and have fun! Visit our events page to sign up!

Adult Continuing Education
(Daytime program on our Lifelong Learning Campus)

What is ACE?

The Adult Continuing Education (ACE) program is our very own specialized education day program provided for adults with Down syndrome, aiming to maximize independence and promote productive community participation. Educational opportunities are based around our six Pillars of Programming: Daily Living, Communication and Social Skills, Community Engagement, Health, Wellness, and Safety, Self-Advocacy, and Vocational Development. 

ACE Self-Advocate Admission Criteria
  • Applicants must have a diagnosis of Down syndrome
  • 18 years of age or older
  • Able to be supported in a small group learning environment
  • Utilizes the restroom independently
  • Exhibits behavior that is conducive to learning
  • Motivated to gain new skills and experiences
  • Reliable transportation to and from the ACE program
  • Independent in taking any medications required during ACE program hours
Enrollment Options

We understand that each adult is unique and looking for their own experience from the ACE program. We have developed service options to meet your needs. All enrollment options receive access to the specialized programming, social networking activities, community engagement opportunities, and guest presentations as part of ACE’s unique schedule. Fill out our contact form below to request an appointment to discuss the ACE enrollment options as related to the needs of your adult participant.

Hours of Operation

ACE operates Monday through Friday, 9:00am to 3:30pm. Enrollment is available for full-time or part-time. Options are limited based on current enrollment. Self-advocates enroll for a minimum of a full quarter (3 months).

Learn more about our Adult Continuing Education Program.

If you are interested in signing up, the first step is getting connected with us!

Pathways Therapy Services

Down Syndrome Innovations offers interdisciplinary, family-centered therapeutic services to promote long-term success for teens with Down syndrome.

The Pathways team includes an occupational therapist (OT), a speech-language pathologist (SLP), and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). The therapy team works by bringing together their unique, yet complementary, perspectives to help support skill acquisition across the home and community. Our team utilizes the Down Syndrome Innovations’ Lifespan Framework to guide goals and interventions across services.

Some services are designed for coaching caregivers and others are designed for direct intervention for your teen with Down syndrome. Pathways therapy services may take place on our Lifelong Learning Campus in Mission, KS or through teletherapy.

Learn more about Pathways Therapies

If you are interested in learning more or signing up, the first step is to get in touch with us!


Down Syndrome Innovations provides essential, vetted resources to adult self-advocates, and parents and caregivers of adults with Down syndrome.

Adult Down Syndrome Clinic at University of Kansas Medical Center

Adult Down Syndrome Clinic at University of Kansas Medical Center supports the medical needs of individuals with Down Syndrome within adulthood. The Adults with Down Syndrome Specialty Clinic can serve as a medical home where you can establish an ongoing relationship with a personal health care provider to provide comprehensive, accessible and continuous care.

Down Syndrome and Dementia Questionnaire

The Down Syndrome and Dementia Questionnaire is a tool which will assist families and caregivers in acquiring information on daily functioning skills for a person with Down syndrome. The questionnaire is useful for taking data across a number of years and date collected can be shared with medical professionals should a decline in functioning occur. We recommend families begin taking baseline data at age 30 and keep the documents in an accessible place for various family members to review and refer to over the years. You may wish to consult your primary care physician or neurologist before using the questionnaire as they may have additional advice or measurement tools they recommend

Aging and Down Syndrome

The National Down Syndrome Society (NDSS) provides us with this valuable resource on Aging and Down Syndrome. Adults with Down syndrome, along with their families and caregivers, need accurate information and education about what to anticipate as a part of growing older, so they can set the stage for successful aging. The purpose of this booklet is to help with this process. It is intended to be used by various learners: families, professionals, direct caregivers or anyone concerned with the general welfare of someone with Down syndrome.


Check out our upcoming events for adults!

Post-Secondary Transitions: Navigating the IEP Process for a Successful Future (VIRTUAL)

Post-Secondary Transitions: Navigating the IEP Process for a Successful Future – VIRTUAL

This seminar will focus on providing parents and caregivers with a clear understanding of the IEP transition process, from the legal requirements to the best practices for ensuring a... READ MORE

  • Date:Wednesday, April 23rd
  • Time6:30 -8:00 pm
  • Virtual SeminarZoom Link sent to registered participants
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here!
  • Fee:FREE/DONOR-FUNDED thanks to philanthropy!
Front view of girl with down syndrome doing stretching exercises while enjoying exercise at home via online class

*VIRTUAL* Fitness Classes (6 – 18+)

These weekly ONLINE fitness classes incorporate simple, body weight exercises that can be done from the comfort of home. Workouts are 30 minutes and designed to be engaging and... READ MORE

  • Days/Times:Mondays, 4:30 - 5 pm; Tuesdays 3:30 - 4 pm (CST)
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here!
  • Fee:FREE/DONOR-FUNDED thanks to philanthropy!
Caregiver Resiliency and Self-Care Group

Caregiver Resiliency and Self-Care Group

Down Syndrome Innovations cares about the mental health of our parents and caregivers. Join other caregivers for facilitated discussion, resource sharing, and yoga, all for the purpose of building... READ MORE

  • Day/TimeMondays from 5:00 - 7:00 pm
  • Location:Down Syndrome Innovations: 5916 Dearborn St, Mission, KS 66202
  • Learn More & Register:Click Here!
  • Fee:FREE
2025 spring co-regulation groups

Co-Regulation Therapeutic Small Group (for Teens & Adults, 14+)

Our Co-Regulation Therapeutic Groups are geared towards self-advocates and caregivers who need to find shared language and shared strategies to work through big emotions. Self-advocate participants must be at... READ MORE

  • Day/Time:Tuesdays at 2:00-3:00 pm or 4:00-5:00 pm
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here
  • Fee:Therapeutic Service Fee

Family & Friends Trivia Night!

Join us for a night of fun and friendly competition supporting Down Syndrome Innovations! Gather your friends to form your best Trivia Team of 8! No team? No problem!... READ MORE

  • Date:Friday, May 2nd
  • Time:6:00 - 9:00 pm
  • LocationPowell Community Center 6200 Martway St, Mission KS
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here!
  • Fundraising Event - Entry Fee$250 per table of 8 or $35 per person
Functional Fitness: How Exercise Plays a Critical Role in Supporting Common Conditions That Affect Development and Independence

Caregiver Education: Functional Fitness – VIRTUAL

Designed for all ages! Join us for an educational seminar that will not only address the main health challenges of people with Down syndrome, but also how to address... READ MORE

  • For All Ages!
  • Date:Thursday, May 29th
  • Time:6:30 - 8:00 pm
  • Virtual Seminar
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here!
  • Fee:FREE: Funded by our donors, sponsors and grantors

Caregiver Connection: Aging Years (On-Site & Virtual Options)

Caregiver Connection: Aging Years offers an opportunity for caregivers to discuss resources, strategies, community supports, and challenges related to caring for an aging loved one with Down syndrome. We... READ MORE

  • Groups (On-Site & Virtual Options)Various Dates
  • Times:5:15 - 6:00 pm (Virtual) | 9 - 11 am (On-Site)
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here
  • Fee:FREE/DONOR-FUNDED thanks to philanthropy

Community Workouts for Teens and Adults

These workouts are inclusive exercise opportunities at various gyms around the Kansas City metro. Workouts are designed to improve functional strength and stamina. These occur at different locations every... READ MORE

  • Date:Ongoing
  • Time/s:Various Times
  • Location/sVarious Locations: throughout KC region
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here!
  • Fee:Donor-Funded / FREE
2025 spring ds-asd support groups

Caregiver Connection: DS – ASD (Virtual)

Caregiver Connection: DS – ASD is a virtual gathering of caregivers to discuss resources, strategies, community supports, and challenges related to a child or adult’s current or potential dual-diagnosis... READ MORE

  • Virtual Groups:Hosted Monthly
  • Day/Time:Wednesday from 5:30 - 6:00 pm on 2/12, 3/12, 4/2, 5/14
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here
  • Fee:FREE/Donor-funded thanks to the generosity of Step Up Walk donors and grantors

Small Group Fitness Training (Teens & Adults)

These 45-minute classes feature workouts tailored to each individual’s goals, abilities, and experience levels. No two people are the same and we believe workouts should align with each person!... READ MORE

  • DateTuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays, beginning Jan. 7th
  • Time10:00 - 10:45 am
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here
  • Fee$44 per Month (1 day/week) OR $88 per Month (2 days/wk)

Social and Skill-Building Groups for Adults (On-Site)

Adults with Down syndrome are invited to join our skill-building and social programming that takes place on Tuesday evenings! Sessions are always a balance of continuing education and having... READ MORE

  • Date/s:Tuesdays from 6:00 - 8:00 pm, beginning Jan. 28
  • Location:Down Syndrome Innovations: 5916 Dearborn St, Mission KS 66202
  • To Learn More & RegisterClick Here!
  • Fee:FREE/DONOR-FUNDED thanks to our Step Up Walk donors, grantors and Community Partners!
virtual program for adults

*VIRTUAL* Social Groups for Adults

These VIRTUAL Social Groups for adults will focus on providing a structured environment for participants to socialize, learn, and have fun together! Facilitated by Lifespan Services Team member, Lauren... READ MORE

  • Date/Time:Thursdays from 5:30 - 6:30 pm, beginning Jan. 30th
  • Learn More & RegisterClick Here!
  • Fee:FREE: Funded by our Step Up Walk donors, Grantors and Community Partners!
Ages 40+

Late Adulthood

Welcome self-advocates (adults with Down syndrome), caregivers, and support teams! Down Syndrome Innovations offers opportunities for older adults that focus on maximizing independence, increasing or maintaining physical activity, meaningful socialization and leisure, and mental stimulation.

We are on this journey with you, now and throughout your lifespan. Consider us your lifetime provider on this journey.