spring 2025 planning ahead mai and otto

Planning Ahead for the Adult Years

It’s never too early to begin planning for your loved one’s success in adulthood! Join us to learn how to get started with ID/DD Eligibility in your county, connect with your local CDDO, and begin navigating Medicaid and Waiver services. This seminar will provide an overview of topics that


Front view of girl with down syndrome doing stretching exercises while enjoying exercise at home via online class

*VIRTUAL* Fitness Classes (6 – 18+)

These weekly ONLINE fitness classes incorporate simple, body weight exercises that can be done from the comfort of home. Workouts are 30 minutes and designed to be engaging and easy to follow. No exercise equipment is necessary! All that is needed is a space to move and a device


Caregiver Resiliency and Self-Care Group

Caregiver Resiliency and Self-Care Group

Down Syndrome Innovations cares about the mental health of our parents and caregivers. Join other caregivers for facilitated discussion, resource sharing, and yoga, all for the purpose of building your resiliency and taking better care of yourself. Discussion topics will change each week and be led by Down Syndrome


2025 spring co-regulation groups

Co-Regulation Therapeutic Small Group (for Teens & Adults, 14+)

Our Co-Regulation Therapeutic Groups are geared towards self-advocates and caregivers who need to find shared language and shared strategies to work through big emotions. Self-advocate participants must be at least 14 years old. One caregiver (preferably someone who lives in the home or spends a significant amount of time


Community Workouts for Teens and Adults

These workouts are inclusive exercise opportunities at various gyms around the Kansas City metro. Workouts are designed to improve functional strength and stamina. These occur at different locations every month on Saturdays.   After submitting an interest form, our Health and Wellness Coordinator will contact you to discuss your


2025 spring ds-asd support groups

Caregiver Connection: DS – ASD (Virtual)

Caregiver Connection: DS – ASD is a virtual gathering of caregivers to discuss resources, strategies, community supports, and challenges related to a child or adult’s current or potential dual-diagnosis of Down syndrome and Autism Spectrum Disorder. This group is facilitated by Down Syndrome Innovations staff, and we will occasionally


Small Group Fitness Training (Teens & Adults)

These 45-minute classes feature workouts tailored to each individual’s goals, abilities, and experience levels. No two people are the same and we believe workouts should align with each person! These workouts can be scaled and modified for any fitness level and are a great way to kick start the


Virtual programming for teens

*VIRTUAL* Social Groups for Teens

These VIRTUAL groups focus on providing a structured environment for teens to socialize, learn, and have fun!   Facilitated by Lifespan Services Team member, Lauren Holmes. Tuesdays from 5:30 – 6:15 pm Sessions: 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/25, 3/4, 3/11, 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13 1/28: Get to know
