Therapy Services

A lifetime of support for a life full of opportunities.

Down Syndrome Innovations offers interdisciplinary, family-centered therapeutic services to promote long-term success to people with Down syndrome.

The Therapy team includes an occupational therapist (OT), a speech-language pathologist (SLP), and a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). The therapy team works by bringing together their unique, yet complementary, perspectives to help support skill acquisition across the home and community. Our team utilizes the Down Syndrome Innovations’ Lifespan Framework to guide goals and interventions across services.

From in-depth comprehensive programming designed to provide education and strategies to caregivers, to direct programming designed to address a specific area of need, Pathways offers a variety of services to meet the needs of people with Down syndrome and their families.

The Pathways team also works with other Down Syndrome Innovations staff to help generalize skills into group programming and beyond.

Caregiver Consultations

On-Demand Therapeutic Consultation

A therapeutic session with one therapist and parent/caregiver(s) on a targeted need related to supporting the person in the family who has Down syndrome. Education, resources, and strategies are individualized to the family’s needs. Additional services may be recommended beyond consultation to address ongoing needs.

Long-Term Planning Consultation

Individualized support to parents and caregivers to better prepare their family for the transition to adulthood and the adult years. Direction is provided to help families access their local CDDO, ID/DD services, public benefits, and other community resources. We help prioritize action steps according to the age of the person with DS and the family’s specific context.

Direct Therapy

Families choose Therapeutic Skill-Building to address and improve a variety of skills such as speech and language, toilet training, behavior, assistive technology, vocational readiness, and daily living skills.

Single Therapeutic Skill-Building

Direct therapy with one licensed therapist with individualized intervention for targeted outcomes. The focus is building skills for daily life in the home and community. Includes direct support as well as parent/caregiver coaching. Weekly or biweekly sessions. On-site or teletherapy. Options for 6 or 12 sessions.

Interdisciplinary Therapeutic Skill-Building

Direct therapy with one licensed therapist with individualized intervention for targeted outcomes. The focus is building skills for daily life in the home and community. Includes direct support as well as parent/caregiver coaching. Weekly or biweekly sessions.

Therapeutic Small Groups

Social Engagement

Social Engagement focuses on providing a supported environment where self-advocates can learn and practice social skills. Utilizing group instruction, a member of the therapy team meets with self-advocates of similar ages and skills to work on initiating conversations, conversational turn-taking, staying on topic, following group instructions, and managing big emotions.

Ready, Set, Regulate

Therapeutic small group, designed by a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and targeted for children in elementary school and early middle school. The goal of the group is to learn and practice social skills such as taking turns, following group instructions, and managing big emotions.


Interdisciplinary Evaluation

Informal assessment involving two therapists focused on multiple areas of development to gain information about current level of development; medical history; areas of growth; and caregiver priorities / concerns in order to set goals and determine necessary interventions.

Evaluations may be recommended during the Pathways intake process, especially prior to the initiation of Therapeutic Skill Building services.

Meet Your Therapy Team

Megan DeBoom


Megan DeBoom

Position: Director of Therapeutic Services/Board Certified Behavior Analyst

Education: Masters of Special Education with an emphasis in Autism Spectrum Disorders, University of Kansas

Megan has practiced as a BCBA in the pediatric population, in school and home-based practice, with a concentration in reducing maladaptive behavior. She has expertise in creating function-based positive behavior support plans, creating visual supports, teaching functional communication skills, and training caregivers.

Morgan Hodges


Morgan Hodges

Position: Occupational Therapist

Education: Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Arkansas and Master of Occupational Therapy from the University of Kansas Medical Center

Morgan’s experience includes school-based and community-based therapeutic settings. She is passionate about supporting families and self-advocates across the lifespan to engage and participate in meaningful day-to-day activities. Her interests include building life skills, sensory processing and regulation, fine and gross motor development, and empowering independence and self-determination.

Katie Craddock


Katie Craddock

Position: Speech-Language Pathologist

Education: Bachelor of Science in Communication Disorders and Sciences from the University of Central Missouri and Master of Science in Speech Language Pathology from Rockhurst University.

Katie has over 12 years of experience as a SLP in the education, healthcare, and long-term care settings. Her areas of interest include augmentative and alternative means of communication (AAC), social/emotional communication, literacy, self-advocacy, and transition. “ I have a passion for working with individuals of all ages to build expressive, receptive, and social language skills—I believe that learning is a lifelong process,” says Katie.

Interest Form

If you are interested in learning more or signing up, the first step is to get in touch with our Team! Fill out the form below to get started.

Therapy Interest Form

Person Filling Out Form 

Person Needing Support

Interest Information

Sarah Mai

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Megan DeBoom

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Morgan Hodges

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Carley Powers

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Sarah Mai, OTR/L, MOT

Position: Vice President of Lifespan Services/Occupational Therapist
Education: Masters of Occupational Therapy, University of Kansas
Sarah has practiced as an occupational therapist in the pediatric and adult population, in school and community-based practice, with a concentration in developmental disabilities. She has expertise in program design, daily living skills, fine motor, functional visual skills, sensory processing, behavior, assistive technology, feeding, and home adaptations.

Megan DeBoom, MS, BCBA, LBA

Position: Director of Therapeutic Services/Board Certified Behavior Analyst
Education: Masters of Special Education with an emphasis in Autism Spectrum Disorders, University of Kansas
Megan has practiced as a BCBA in the pediatric population, in school and home-based practice, with a concentration in reducing maladaptive behavior. She has expertise in creating function-based positive behavior support plans, creating visual supports, teaching functional communication skills, and training caregivers.

Morgan Hodges, OTR/L

Position: Occupational Therapist
Education: Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from the University of Arkansas and Master of Occupational Therapy from the University of Kansas Medical Center
Morgan is an occupational therapist and is thrilled to be joining the Pathways team here at Down Syndrome Innovations. Her previous experience includes working in school and community-based settings. She has experience working across the lifespan with individuals with various disabilities, supporting engagement in daily activities, life skills training, and motor skill development including handwriting and fine motor activities.