Learning that your baby has Down syndrome can be an overwhelming time—rest assured, we are here for you every step of the journey.

Down Syndrome Innovations has been supporting families as they learn of a diagnosis for nearly four decades. We are here to answer any questions you may have. We can connect you with resources and will provide a parent-to-parent match, if you would like to visit with other parents and learn more about their experiences.

We would love to learn more about your family so we know how to best support you. Click here to get connected and register your family to receive our e-newsletters as well as vital resources and information at every age and stage as your child grows and thrives.

We host quarterly, Expectant & New Parent / Caregiver Family Gatherings to help you and your family (and extended family members, if you want to bring them along) connect with other families, exchange resources, ask questions, and feel like a part of a community that understands your journey! We also host a variety of family events, educational opportunities and more! Be sure to follow our social media accounts for the latest updates!

New Beginnings Magazine

Our New Beginnings Magazine provides important information you need to know at the time of diagnosis. You can read the magazine from our Flipbook below. Or you can click here to download a copy to view and read later.

Other Helpful Information

The resources below are accurate, up to date and will help you start your journey of learning more about parenting a baby with Down syndrome.

Welcoming a Newborn with Down Syndrome is a helpful guide offering support and accurate, reliable information to the new parents of a baby with Down syndrome. The book covers topics like breastfeeding, adjusting to a diagnosis, preparing siblings, understanding medical issues, preparing for the future, and, most importantly, it shares diverse stories about the daily lives of families whose children have Down syndrome at different ages.

Down Syndrome Pregnancy Articles

Visit Down Syndrome Pregnancy to access helpful books, articles and medical information to help you prepare for the birth of your baby.

Diagnosis to Delivery is written for expectant mothers and will answer your pregnancy and birth questions, validate your emotions, provide coping advice, and give you hope for the future.

Your Loved One is Having a Baby With Down Syndrome provides extended family members with accurate and up to date information on the condition and provides helpful suggestions on how to be supportive to you and your baby.

What Parents Wish They Had Known is a compilation of advice from parents who have welcomed babies with Down syndrome.

Review healthcare guidelines for babies with Down syndrome to learn more about common conditions your baby may be screened for.

Medical Guidelines

Breastfeeding and Down Syndrome includes information on everything from preparing to breastfeed, breastfeeding after heart surgery, getting to the breast after tube feedings, and much more.

Breastfeeding & Down Syndrome: a Comprehensive Guide for Mothers and Medical Professionals provides comprehensive, evidence-based information for both mothers and medical professionals. The book is written in an easy-to-read style by medical experts and addresses everything from how to prepare prenatally to breastfeeding after heart surgery and how to transition a baby from tube feeds to the breast. Download a free digital copy or order a hard copy of the book here.

Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network connects, supports, and provides accurate information to parents and the medical professionals who serve them from the time of diagnosis through age 3, while fostering the opportunity for life long connections. You can read stories from other parents with prenatal diagnosis and join a birth group to connect to other parents who are still pregnant or have similar age children with Down syndrome. Learn more here.

The mission of the National Down Syndrome Adoption Network is to ensure that every child born with Down syndrome has the opportunity to grow up in a loving family. If you are considering adopting a child or want to make an adoption plan contact NDSAN for assistance.

Helpful Videos

Check out these heartwarming videos.

Dear Future Mom
Nothing Down About It
Hallmark Mother’s Day Commercial
My Dear Dad Father’s Day Commercial

We are Here for You!

We encourage you to fill out this contact form so a member of our team can follow up with you and recommend relevant services and supports, plus we can add you to our mailing list. You are welcome to email us directly as well, as we want to be responsive to your needs: kayla@kcdsi.org

Contact Form

Expectant & New Parent Intake


Quarterly Events

In addition to our quarterly New Parent/Extended Family Gatherings, we also host a variety of family events, educational opportunities and more! Be sure to follow our social media accounts for the latest updates!